Frankly folks, I don't know whether to grin or blush or what.
You guys simply *have* to read this review that just appeared in the latest Frommers India guide!!
You guys simply *have* to read this review that just appeared in the latest Frommers India guide!!

The "baseline" recommendation is zero stars - every hotel, restaurant, attraction, shop, and nightlife establishment that Frommer's chooses to review is recommended; otherwise, we simply wouldn't include it."
I'm soooooooo very pleased with this review! Actually, even that's an understatement. At the moment, I want to twirl around and hug someone at Frommers (if only I knew who wrote this!). Unfortunately, after being labelled "super-sophisticated", twirling is out, so I am forced to offer a more sedate thanks.
congrats! i am sure you feel great reading it.
Hey Anu, being called multi-talented, yeah, sure, but super-sophisticated? With "delicious opinions" on everything? Woooohooooo!
Makes me want to go through this experience - through 'magic' eyes!
This is just awesome!! Congrats and great going!!!
Hi Deepa, for a moment, forget the descriptions, close your eyes and just let your feelings out,,,,scream...twirl.....hug.....just be yourself...Excellent review and obviously, excellent work by you and your team....Babs
Hey D!
Even if they didn't name you or Mumbai Magic, I'd know that was you Frommer's were talking about... :)
Hi Deepa,
Congrats. I started reading your blog since last year. I love reading your blog. I love all small details you write about the city especially I love reading your mom's post office visit. Living in US makes me miss those times .
When everybody wants to visit europe and other exquisite places , Bombay is on my list. And it was on my list for a long time ever since I was a little girl. I really wished I had known this website before 2007 when I had all the time in the world.
I will defnitely contact you when I get a chance in future to visit bombay.
Keep writing about bombay.
your wannabe future customer :)
Hey Deepa
Hearty congrats.. Though I haven't taken the tour myself, I can say with 100% assurance that not a single word in this review is hyped!
God Bless You and your awesome team!!!
Hail Mumbai!
I think that you could manage a Deepa-fied super-sophisticated swirl (am imagining a suitable outfit to work well here!) Well deserved – I'm a fan from way back!
Hey, big congrats! Woo-hoo..
Congratulations !!
congrats Deepa....hopefully i'll be doing another one of your tours soon - excellent work! :)
Congratulations :)..High Praise indeed
Hi Deepa, Its me Sridevi Pradeep (Sridevi C V of Roopa's Batch). hope u recognised me.. Believ me.. the articles are amazing..keep up the good work.. by the way what about Roopa, I'm missing her..i can be contacted by
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